“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”

George Orwell

Elusive World

In an era where information transcends national boundaries and becomes a tool of control and a weapon of war, Elusive World strives to offer an in-depth and balanced perspective on the world around us

Growing Cells Or Cancer: What Is The Impact Of Immigration On EU

A few days ago, far-right parties made significant gains in the European Parliament elections, clearly indicating a seismic shift in EU public opinion on various policies, including migration. Although EU immigration policy is already tightening, European citizens have shown their dissatisfaction with the current situation which seems to go far beyond border  controls to limit immigration.

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How to build a brainwash machine

Take a moment to ponder a simple question: why did people in Nazi Germany support the Nazi regime? Why were communists so fervently motivated to fight for revolution?

Modern Battlefield: Beyond Conventional and Economic Wars

In a simpler world, people often relied on fighting as nearly the only means to achieve their goals. This was the primary battlefield between different groups, societies, and nations. As the world evolved, so did the nature of the battlefield.

The Game Of The Century

A couple months ago, Israel, according to foreign sources, decided on very limited response to more than 300 Iranian missiles and drones. Some will say “lame”, some will say – smart response. Will see…